Letter to Okami, far away


it wasn't a wrap up, it isn't over & we've only just begun, as the divine beings(elephants & others) and our own buddha natures will.

Yes, I am also glad, that we found our way back together, truly so. Or maybe: we both found our way (a little bit more than before at least) & it is a splendid surprise that the other is on the same. Or: The hedge of thorns in the middle of the road we were on has blossomed and spread the petals all over the path to go.

Ok. Getting really cheesy. Maybe I should better go & study mathematics after all, so I won't be tempted to write sappy (Notice the alliteration! Ha, that's some hidden meaning!) poetry to my most beloved okami.

Well. Kidding. I guess you just have to live with camp-ness and just kick me in my lovely butt to find another way to earn the fish for you, if sappy-ness isn't found to be en vogue anymore.

Oh. There you are. On my phone. Texting me. Texting me, you are writing me – ha! If that isn't a sign that we were just meant to be!

Your letters. I love them. Always did. I didn't write you though, did I? Well, hormones are a lovely little thing called crazyness. Well, it is about the NOW, right?

So you are writing me, I am writng you, you are listening to Motown, I am listening to Northern (super rare, super uptempo, super herrlich: http://northernsoulmusic.co.uk/rams/p1/adamsapples-youaretheoneilove.ram) – doesn't sound so bad so far for a new volume of Okami & Kätzchen.

Kisses across the oceans and over the seas.

Ps: The implemented game is: Count the references!

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This Old Heart of Mine

Dies ist die Geschichte von Kätzchen. Aka Koneko, Rehlein, Vögelchen & Baby. So vielfältig wie die nicht vollständige Selbstbezeichnung ist die Persönlichkeit. Nur eins ist sicher: Auf die Frage "Bist du's?" muss die wahrheitsgemäße Antwort "Nö." lauten. Für Freunde der konkreten Genrebezeichnung: Eine Coming-of-Age-Story für Spätberufene.

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Movin' on up


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 28. Jun, 23:36



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